The Archaeological Museum of Venafro is one of the largest and most important in the region. The Venafro area, rich in natural resources and strategically positioned toward Campania, has been home to significant settlements since prehistoric times.
The museum showcases the historical and social evolution of this small town, from its origins as a Samnite center to its status as a Roman municipium, as well as the development of its surrounding territory.
The city’s prosperity during Roman times—renowned throughout the Empire for its extra virgin olive oil—is reflected in the museum’s collection of notable statues, including a beautiful and rare marble copy of Venus (Landolina type) from the 2nd century AD.
Ceramics, glassware, all kinds of vessels, mosaics, marble floors, and frescoes from luxurious domus depict a thriving community closely aligned with the grandeur of Rome.
The museum also houses extraordinary artifacts from the monastic city of San Vincenzo al Volturno, the most important Benedictine center in the region during the early Middle Ages. Unique and exceptional pieces, such as the Venafro chess set—the oldest in Europe—make this museum a must-visit destination.